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V2 Migration Guide

With mostly just new features, V3 also makes a few breaking changes. See the following and migrate any code that is affected.

Prop changes for <Parallax/>

If you've used any of the following props rename to new ones, or refactor if they are no longer supported.

  1. x becomes translateX.
  2. y becomes translateY.
  3. styleOuter becomes style.
  4. styleInner is no longer supported - There's only a single element returned by the component.
  5. tagOuter is no longer supported - If you need a custom element use the useParallax hook instead.
  6. tagInner is no longer supported - There's only a single element returned by the component.

Using the useController hook.

  1. The hook useController has been renamed to useParallaxController.
  2. The hook returns the instance of the controller directly.

If you used the following:

const { parallaxController } = useController();

change it to:

const parallaxController = useParallaxController();

Prop changes for <ParallaxBanner/>

Layers now accept all parallax props but you will need to update if you used the layer.amount prop.

  1. layer.amount is no longer supported. Try speed or any new parallax props.
  2. layer.props is no longer supported. If you need to add props to the layer DOM element just define them in the layer.
  3. All HTMLElement props are now spread to the root element.

Removed default class names

If you relied on either the parallax-outer, parallax-inner, parallax-banner or parallax-banner-layer-[x] class names for styling you will need to refactor or set them manually.