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Component that sets up layers of useParallax elements to achieve a parallaxing banner. Enables the layering of images, or custom markup, with scroll effects in a container that hides overflow.

import { ParallaxBanner, ParallaxBannerLayer } from 'react-scroll-parallax';

Working Demos

See some example code with demos.


There are two ways to setup a banner:

  1. You can use the <ParallaxBanner> layers prop.
  2. You can define ParallaxBannerLayer as the <ParallaxBanner> children.

Example with the ParallaxBannerLayer

Use the ParallaxBannerLayer component to define the speed and image for your banner. In this case, it will create a banner using a single image, that moves slower than the rate of scroll, and the edges of the image will never be visible.

<ParallaxBanner style={{ aspectRatio: '2 / 1' }}>
<ParallaxBannerLayer image="" speed={-20} />

Example with the layers prop

Use the layers to supply a speed and image to your banner. In this case, it will create a banner using a single image, that moves slower than the rate of scroll, and the edges of the image will never be visible.

image: '',
speed: -20,
style={{ aspectRatio: '2 / 1' }}

You must define a style that gives the root <div> a height value otherwise the banner will have no height and be hidden. This can be through a style, through a className, or other method of styling.

Creating Multiple Layers

Define multiple Banner layer children with independent prop configurations.

<ParallaxBanner style={{ aspectRatio: '2 / 1' }}>
<ParallaxBannerLayer image="" speed={-20} />
<ParallaxBannerLayer image="" speed={-10} />

Supply the layers prop with additional configuration for more images. Each layer can contain unique configurations.

image: '',
speed: -20,
image: '',
speed: -10,
style={{ aspectRatio: '2 / 1' }}

Layer order matters. First element in the the array or children will appear on the bottom of the stacking context; last layer of the array or children will appear on top.

Custom Layer Markup

This example defines a headline in the second layer.

<ParallaxBanner style={{ aspectRatio: '2 / 1' }}>
<ParallaxBannerLayer image="" speed={-20} />
<h1>My Headline</h1>

You can also pass your own markup or components to the children property when using layers.

image: '',
speed: -20,
children: <h1>My Headline</h1>,
speed: -10,
style={{ aspectRatio: '2 / 1' }}

Using a Custom Image Element

You don't need to use the image prop and can instead pass your own img, picture, video or custom image component. Use this if you need to use accessible images, custom image components, or other img attributes like srcSet or loading.

<ParallaxBanner style={{ aspectRatio: '2 / 1' }}>
<ParallaxBannerLayer speed={-20}>
alt="Sahara Desert landscape"


The following are all props that can be passed to the <ParallaxBanner> component:

disabledbooleanDisables all parallax layers when enabled.
layersarrayOptional array of layers -- see layer props below
...restHTMLDivElementAll other properties are spread to the <div>.

All other props are defined on the root div element.

<ParallaxBanner className="custom-class" id="hero-banner" />

The ParallaxBannerLayer the following configuration as props.

The layers prop takes an array of objects that represent each image (or custom children) of the parallax banner. The following properties describe a layer object:

childrenReactElementCustom layer children provided as a React element, for example <Video />
expandedbooleantrueIndicate if the layer should be expanded with negative top/bottom margins so the edges will never be visible.
imagestringImage source that will be applied as a CSS background-image on the layer set to cover.
...restParallaxElementConfigAll known parallax props will be passed to useParallax. See all the parallax props that this hook will accept. All other properties are spread to the <div> representing the layer.

Example Using ParallaxBannerLayer

scale={[1, 1.2]}
opacity={[0.9, 1]}
<img src="foo" />

Example Using the Layers Prop

children: <img src="foo" />,
expanded: false,
speed: -10,
scale: [1, 1.2],
opacity: [0.9, 1],