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Custom Effects

You can create your own custom effects by using the onProgressChange event, along with custom CSS variables. This allows the for animating any CSS property based on the scroll position of an element.

CSS Variable Examples

With the useParallax hook, we can pass in a callback to the onProgressChange event. This callback will be called every time the scroll position changes. We can then use the progress value to update a CSS variable. Then, either in a CSS file or inline styles, we can use the var(--progress) to animate any CSS property.

function Example() {
const parallax = useParallax({
onProgressChange: (progress) => {
if (parallax.ref.current) {
// set progress to CSS variable

return (
// use the progress variable to change the width of the stroke as progress updates
style={{ textStrokeWidth: `calc(20px * var(--progress))` }}
Hello World

Try it out for yourself in this CodeSandbox example: Custom Effects Example

Using this technique, we can animate any CSS property based on the scroll position of an element. Here's another example of animating the letter spacing and text shadow of a text element:

Hello World