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Usage with NextJS

This will guide you through a way to setup react-scroll-parallax using the Next 13 App router.

Setting Up the ParallaxProvider

Next 13 requires client components to be marked with use-client, and the ParallaxProvider is a client component. In order to use the providers in your app, first create a providers.tsx file in the root of the app directory:

└── app/
└── providers.tsx

In this file wrap the children in a <ParallaxProvider> and mark it as a client component.


You may add any additional providers you need for your app here in the future.

'use client';

import { ParallaxProvider } from 'react-scroll-parallax';

export function Providers({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
return <ParallaxProvider>{children}</ParallaxProvider>;

Add the Providers to the Root Layout

In the layout.tsx file at the root of the app directory, import the Providers component you just created and wrap it around the children.

└── app/
├── providers.tsx
└── layout.tsx

Your layout may differ from the one below — it's is simplified for this example.

import { Providers } from './Providers';

export default function RootLayout({
}: {
children: React.ReactNode;
}) {
return (
<html lang="en">

Create a Parallax Effect

Next we can create a simple parallax effect in another client component. Add a test.tsx file and place a parallax effect within it. We must also make this as a client component with use client.

└── app/
├── providers.tsx
├── layout.tsx
├── test.tsx
└── page.tsx
'use client';

import { Parallax } from 'react-scroll-parallax';

export default function Test() {
return (
<Parallax scale={[1, 0]}>
<div className="w-48 h-48 bg-red-500" />

Use the Parallax within a Page

To add parallax effects to a page, create a page.tsx at the route you need. In this example we'll use the homepage so the page exists at the root of the app directory.

└── app/
├── providers.tsx
├── layout.tsx
└── page.tsx

Add the <Test> component and style the page so it scrolls.

import Test from './Test';

export default function Page() {
return (
<main className="flex min-h-[300vh] flex-col items-center justify-between p-24">
<Test />

That's it. Now that react-scroll-parallax is working in your NextJS application you can add your own effects. See more on how it works.