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V1 Migration Guide

Some breaking changes were introduced in v2. Here's the simple changes that need to be made if you're coming from v1.

  1. Replaces all the offset props and removes the slowerScrollRate prop in favor of x/y props that take arrays for start/end values
  2. Updated the way progress is calculated
  3. Switch to new context API and React ^16.3.0

1. Replaces all the offset props and removes the slowerScrollRate prop in favor of x/y props that take arrays for start/end values

In v1 offsets were set as min/max values like so

<Parallax offsetYMin={-100}  offsetYMax={100} slowerScrollRate={false}>

In v2 the y offsets are set as a start/end value in an array. The values are also flipped to account for the slowerScrollRate prop being false.

<Parallax y={[100, -100]}>

So if slowerScrollRate was true like so

<Parallax offsetYMin={-100}  offsetYMax={100} slowerScrollRate={true}>

Then in v2 is becomes this

<Parallax y={[-100, 100]}>

2. Updated the way progress is calculated

Progress is now calculated from the original elements position in the viewport. So the top of the element at the bottom of the window is 0, the bottom of the element at the top of the window is 1. If you are upgrading from v1 some elements may appear to move further/faster than they did before so you might need to adjust the x/y offsets.

3. Switch to new context API and React ^16.3.0

V2 uses the latest context API and requires react@16.3.0 or greater.

If you were using the old context api to call methods on the controller you will need to update how you access context.

The old way

class Foo extends Component {
static contextTypes = {
parallaxController: PropTypes.object.isRequired,

bar() {

The new way with the provided withController HOC

import { withController } from 'react-scroll-parallax';

class Foo extends Component {
bar() {

export withController(Foo);