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The <ParallaxProvider /> component is meant to wrap a root level component in your application and is necessary to provide access through the React context API to the Parallax Controller.

import { ParallaxProvider } from 'react-scroll-parallax';


This component should only be used once in your app, for instance in an <AppContainer /> component that won't be mounted/unmounted during route changes. Like so:

const AppContainer = () => (
<App />

You can have multiple providers, however they will all be independent instances of a ParallaxController. It's recommended to only use one when possible.


The following props configure the <ParallaxProvider> component:

scrollAxisstringverticalOptionally pass the scroll axis for setting horizontal/vertical scrolling. One of vertical or horizontal
scrollContainerHTMLElement<body>Optionally set the container that has overflow and will contain parallax elements. Defaults to the document scroll body.
isDisabledbooleanfalseDisables the ParallaxController and all animations.

More Examples

Using props you can configure the provider for the following conditions.

Horizontal Scrolling

If your app's overflow is horizontal, you'll need to change the scrollAxis:

const AppContainer = () => (
<ParallaxProvider scrollAxis="horizontal">
<App />

Scroll Container

By default the <ParallaxProvider> uses the document scrolling element. If your app's overflow is a unique element you need to provide the element as the scrollContainer.

Here's how you can do that using React hooks to set a ref to a DOM element. The useEffect will be called once after mounting then update state with the element to be passed to the provider.

import * as React from 'react';
import { ParallaxProvider } from 'react-scroll-parallax';

const ScrollContainer = () => {
const [scrollEl, setScrollElement] = React.useState<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const ref = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>();
React.useEffect(() => {

return (
<div className="your-scroll-container" ref={ref}>
<ParallaxProvider scrollContainer={scrollEl}>

Disabling All Parallax Elements

With the isDisabled prop you may disable every parallax element in the provider when a condition is met, instead of individually. This can be helpful to disable parallax in certain situations like on mobile devices, or for users who prefers-reduced-motion. Elements will be re-enabled when isDisabled is true.

const App = () => {
const userPrefersReducedMotion = useMediaQuery({
query: '(prefers-reduced-motion)',

return (
<ParallaxProvider isDisabled={userPrefersReducedMotion}>