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Advanced banner configuration example.

Advanced Banners

The <ParallaxBanner> accepts advanced configurations that can allow you to really push the effect. Building off the previous banner demos, this one adds a number of configuration options.

How it's done

The following is a breakdown of some of the more advanced configuration for the banner seen above.

  1. You are not limited to using only speed to control movement. In this example translateY is defined with custom start and end values. This is helpful when the banner starts at the top of the page.
  2. Setting shouldAlwaysCompleteAnimation ensures that the animation begins at the initial position in the view, and since this banner is placed at the top of the page this option is enabled.
  3. Additional scale effects are used to further enhance the scenes depth and are also provided individual easing values.
  4. Certain layers set expanded to false. This is because they don't move or have no edge that would appear visible so there is no need to expand them.
  5. Lastly, a gradient overlay is added to dim the scene with an opacity transition.

Here's a CodeSandbox with full page banner like the one above.

const Component = () => {
const background: BannerLayer = {
translateY: [0, 50],
opacity: [1, 0.3],
scale: [1.05, 1, 'easeOutCubic'],
shouldAlwaysCompleteAnimation: true,

const headline: BannerLayer = {
translateY: [0, 30],
scale: [1, 1.05, 'easeOutCubic'],
shouldAlwaysCompleteAnimation: true,
expanded: false,
children: (
<div className="absolute inset-0 flex items-center justify-center">
<h1 className="text-6xl md:text-8xl text-white font-thin">
Hello World!

const foreground: BannerLayer = {
translateY: [0, 15],
scale: [1, 1.1, 'easeOutCubic'],
shouldAlwaysCompleteAnimation: true,

const gradientOverlay: BannerLayer = {
opacity: [0, 0.9],
shouldAlwaysCompleteAnimation: true,
expanded: false,
children: (
<div className="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-gray-900 to-blue-900" />

return (
layers={[background, headline, foreground, gradientOverlay]}
className="aspect-[2/1] bg-gray-900"

Each layer of the <ParallaxBanner> is just a useParallax hook targeting a <div>. Which means anything you can use to configure useParallax can be used as a property of a layer. See all effects and configuration accepted.